Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ways of creating Gmail without mobile number

In here are the easy way on how to open your gmail without mobile phone number, It's mainly for some that don't really known how to sign in normally, with this idea I'm about to share with you.

  I hope you can now have access to gmail account without struggling or consulting anybody, It is so easy that anyone out there can easily whether you're using Android phone or not, want you need to do is to cool down and understand the following steps I'm about listing.


 How to Create Gmail Account without Mobile Number

  • Open your setting, 
  • Tap on account, 
  •  Go to add account,
  •  Then press on google, 
  • Click on create new account,  information will be out that requires you to fill, 
  • Then fill in Your name in full,
  • Your username,
  •  Password, don't forget to Re-enter your password,
  •  Skip mobile number because it's not necessary, then click on next for your gmail to be ready. After all those step you have automatically open a gmail account without a mobile number.

Don't forget to share with me anywhere you are confused about this article and i promise you that i will explain to your understanding.

Video on How to create Gmail Account Without Phone Number

Here I have provided you with a YouTube video on how to create gmail account account without phone number       

 With this above video i hope you will understand more better on how to create a gmail account without a mobile number.

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