Friday, July 15, 2016

Breaking News : Onu Calls for Diversification of Energy Sources

 Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of science and technology, has called for the diversification of Nigeria's energy sources to ensure steady power supply and enhance industrialisation of the country.
He made the call while inaugurating a two day national Technical validation workshop on sustainable energy for All Action Agenda in Abuja yesterday.

The minister pointed out that it has become imperative for Nigeria to diversify it's source of energy so that if one source has a problem,  the others can make up for it. We have relied essentially on natural gas for generation of electricity.

This has created a lot of problems for the nation,  particularly when gas supply is interrupted in anyway, including the breakage of gas pipeline. The geographical location of Nigeria in the tropics gives us great advantage in utilising solar and wing energy. The minister intends to embark on research to see how coal fire plants can be made more friendly to environment.

 He said that the workshop was imperative at this point in time as it would help the participants to develop the capacity to meet the energy needs of the country. He urged them to put their very best in the course of the workshop.

 Recently, prof. Eli Bala,  Director,  General, Energy commission of Nigeria, state that energy is essential in driving and growing economies as well as improving the standard of living of mankind, with fuels, electricity and processed heat being the most relevant forms of the final energy.

 He said that sustainable energy, which is secure, available and affordable,  has eluded many economies, including Nigeria.

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